Crosbitronics is located in Corning, NY.

We operate across the Twin Tiers, Central New York, and Finger Lakes region.


     In fairness to both our clientele and our time, our pricing is determined on a case-by-case basis. The scope of service or appraisal being conducted can vary greatly from request to request. We are fair and transparent in our pricing, and want your business.


    The value of equipment is determined by its condition, location, rarity, and demand. Equipment that has one or two defects or settings that do not work greatly reduce the resale value, even if they are settings that the buyer would never otherwise use. Some of this stuff is very heavy, and costs can add up quickly if it needs to be shipped. Some equipment is ubiquitous or easily found in a resale environment, while some equipment can be so rare that it has no reputation in which to set price.


     We approach our appraisals from a sales comparison process. As part of our appraisal services, we will assess the condition and functionality of the equipment, create a market comparison for established sales of this equipment relative to its condition, provide list of repairs (if required) that could increase its value, and furnish paper manuals for the equipment (when available).



    We offer consignment sales for equipment, taking point in both online and local sales. We know where to list equipment for sale so that people who want it can see it. Our expertise allows us to cut through any lowball negotiators: we know what we have, and what its worth. We can make deliveries within our operating area, make sure things are packed and shipped properly, and demonstrate the equipments functionality as necessary.


     Sometimes, you just need a tune-up to make your equipment really sing. Maybe a piece of gear you really love no longer plays out of one speaker or has developed a frightening crackle. Over the years, your equipment might require some components replaced or maintenance to be performed. We specialize in making repairs the right way, making sure parts, voltages, and response match or exceed original manufacturer specification. We'll be transparent in what your equipment needs and what the costs would be to conduct the repair.


     We're not going to claim that you require new-old-stock tubes from 1950s West Germany or vintage capacitors made from bumblebees or special wooden knobs that reverse microvibrations. There's a lot of silly grifts out there in the world of audiophiles, but there's also prevailing belief of what constitutes "the right materials." There can be a huge difference in cost to make something work vs the cost to replace something with the exact original part, we can talk through those sorts of decisions with you. We believe right materials are the ones that make your equipment work first and foremost.

To be clear, there are no capacitors made from bumblebees.